

How much does it cost to place a listing with Free60?

It is 100% free to list an item with Free60

How much does it cost to search for Free items listed on Free60?

It is free to search and find all items listed on Free60. However there is a subscription fee of $9.99 to contact the person who has listed the item you wish to collect.

How many items can I collect for my $9.99 subscription?

Your subscription remains open for 4 weeks from the time of subscribing. During this time you are welcome to take as many free items as you like.

How do I pay for my Free60 subscription?

Your $9.99 payment is deducted from your iTunes account.

Can Free60 subscriptions be suspended?

No, the subscription is for 4 consecutive weeks from the time of subscribing.

How do I know when my 4 week subscription is over?

There is a counter on the top right hand side of the screen in the “my free60” section. This shows how many days left in the subscription.

Do I need to provide my phone and/or email details to arrange collection of my pre loved items?

No there is a Free60 chat function, allowing you to arrange collection without disclosing your personal details.

How do I remove my listing once it has been collected?

Simply go to edit listing and press remove.

Do I need to meet the person collecting my pre loved items?

It is totally up to you. Some of us enjoy the interaction. Others are busy and simply leave the item out for collection.

Can I sell items I am listing onFree60?

No, this is contrary to the spirit of Free60 “what goes around comes around” All listings are to be 100% free.

Is there a limit of items I can take?

No, you can take as much as you like while your subscriptions is active.